Mirela Jukić Bokun, Ljerka Jukić Matić, Darija Marković, Projekt GAMMA, Osječki matematički list 22 (2022), 161–170, https://hrcak.srce.hr/file/423029.
Ljerka Jukić Matić, Mirela Jukić Bokun, Game-based learning in mathematics, published and presented at the 9th International Scientific Colloquium Mathematics and Children, 19-20 May, 2023, Osijek, Croatia.
Ljerka Jukić Matić, Darija Marković, Mirela Jukić Bokun, Digital games and mathematics: designing a game for learning probability in secondary school, published and presented at the 13th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13), 10-14 July, 2023, Budapest, Hungary.
Ljerka Jukić Matić, Sonia Palha, Integrating digital games in the classroom: a case study with game ProbChallenge, published and presented at the 16th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT 16), 7–10 June 2023, Athens, Greece.
Myrto Karavakou, Chronis Kynigos, The yoyo-bird: A Transformative Digital Game for Meaning Making on Trigonometric Functions, published and presented at the 13th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13), 10-14 July, 2023, Budapest, Hungary.
Antti Koivisto, Sari Merilampi, Darija Marković, Johanna Virkki, Mirka Leino, Implementing Game-based Teaching Scenarios in Upper Secondary Mathematics Teaching, accepted for publishing and presenting at the GALA Conference 2023, 29 November – 1 December, 2023, Dublin.
Sonia Palha, Anders Bouwer, Daan van Smaalen, Kevin Hooijschuur, Fostering joyful practice with digital educational games: the Function Dungeon game, published and presented at the 16th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT 16), 7–10 June, 2023, Athens, Greece.