The physical GAMMA Learning, Teaching and Training Activity in Croatia took place on September 26-30, 2022. On Monday 26th , Tuesday 27th, Wednesday 28th and Friday 30th of September, the activity took place in the building of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Osijek (MATHOS), while on Thursday 29 September it was held in the Elektrotehnička i prometna škola Osijek (ELPROS).
The meeting was organised by members of the GAMMA team from the Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek, as well as team members from Elektrotehnička i prometna škola Osijek and team members from the Education and Teacher Training Agency from Osijek (ETTA). Thirty-three participants from the four partner countries took part in the activity (thirty physical participants and three virtual participants).
The main purpose of the GAMMA LTTA in Croatia was to get to know the Croatian educational system and to discuss the adaptation of teaching scenarios, two from each university partner, linked to digital games developed by the partners, and to discuss feedback forms for piloting those scenarios.
On the first day (26/09/2022), the LTTA started with a welcome session (MATHOS), then the Croatian education system was presented by ETTA. Then there was a presentation/workshop on the teaching scenario for the game of MATHOS in MaLT2, which is connected with the system of linear equations. First, two ELPROS students described their own experiences playing this game. Then, the MATHOS team presented the corresponding teaching scenario that was developed for implementation in the classroom. Participants were then divided into five groups to discuss the game features, learning outcomes and teaching scenario. This was followed by a presentation/workshop on the game of MATHOS in GODOT, which deals with probability. Again, there was first an introduction by ELPROS students who had played the game before and then a short presentation of the corresponding teaching scenario and a workshop in five small groups. The first working day ended with a reflection and a renewed collection of ideas by all partners.
On the second day (27/09/2022), the morning session consisted of presentations/workshops on two scenarios led by the Finnish GAMMA team and related to the game GeomWiz in Unity, which is about geometry. The structure of the presentations/workshops remained the same as on the first day. In the afternoon session, there was a workshop on the GAMMA Handbook for Teachers, led by the AUAS team, which focused on ideas for creating a promotional video for each chapter. The second day ended with the meeting of team members responsible for the project implementation.
The third day of LTTA (28/09/2022) included four presentations/workshops on teaching scenarios: the first two were led by the NKUA team for the game in MaLT2 on trigonometric functions and for the game in ChoiCo on direct and inverse proportions; then two more scenarios were presented, developed and led by the AUAS team, one for the game in ChoiCo related to derivatives and another game in Unity on linear functions. The structure of these four presentations/workshops was the same as on the previous days. The participation of the students of the ELPROS gave the scenario workshops added value.
On the fourth day of the LTTA (29/09/2022), activities took place at the ELPROS building. The morning session started with a welcoming session which also includes School introduction (ELPROS). Afterwards, the participants were introduced to the e-Schools project, which is led by MATHOS and ELPROS. Afterwards, the ELPROS team presented the e-Twinning projects and GAMMA e-Twinning to the participants. The working day ended with a lesson based on the GAMMA probability scenario, led by an ELPROS teacher.
On the last, fifth day, the ELPROS team presented their experiences from the previous day and all participants discussed GBL in the classroom. This was followed by the workshop on feedback for students and teacher questions, led by the MATHOS team. The working day ended with summarising the results and drawing conclusions, as well as a discussion on future steps and evaluation of the LTTA (MATHOS and AUAS), which will take place in Amsterdam on November 7-10, 2022.
During the discussions in the small group the participants had the opportunity to get to know each other better and exchange knowledge and experiences. Working in the small groups contributed to the development of teamwork and the positive attitude of the participants.
The valuable social events were also organized, including dinners, the Osijek walking tour and excursion to Baranja, which additionally strengthen collaboration between all participants, as well.
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