GAMMA working meeting, attended by partners from Croatia, members of GAMMA teams from the, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Mathematics (MATHOS), Elektrotehnička i prometna škola Osijek, Srednja škola Markantuna de Dominisa Rab and the Education and Teacher Training Agency, was held on June 30 and July 1, 2021. This was the first project activity held live, and the meeting was organized by the GAMMA team from Osijek, in the premises of the Department of Mathematics.
The first day began with a discussion of the scenario templates and the elaboration of a scenario template that will be sent to the other partners for review and discussion. After a short break, the MATHOS team presented the first version of one chapter of the handbook for which they are in charge, and a constructive discussion in small groups led to new ideas on how to complement the existing version. It was followed by a theoretical overview of games and game-based learning. The working part of the day ended with an analysis and discussion of CRO topics for scenarios. The less formal part of the day continued in Baranja, where the participants had the opportunity to get to know each other better over dinner.
On the second day, participants continued to discuss CRO topics for scenarios, more specifically learning outcomes. This was followed by a presentation of some games and discussions of the games; one part of the discussion again took the form of workshops in small groups, which led to a productive exchange of ideas and examples of good practice that could be a solid basis for creating a game. During the final discussion, the participants discussed the next activity that should take place in Greece, if the epidemiological situation allows. The evaluation of the meeting showed that the exchange of ideas during the live meeting was very important and this was a very fruitful and successful meeting.